Parking By-Law
Richmond Hill Mobility Accessibility Foundation (RH Mobility) receives funds from the Disabled Parking Reserve (By-Law No. 258-04) that was created on December 13, 2004, after being approved by The Council of the Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill.
The Disabled Parking Reserve is money collected from anyone who parks illegally in a handicapped parking space and receives a parking violation ticket. 50% of the fine associated with that ticket goes into the Disabled Parking Reserve By-Law. All of the funds in that reserve are to be used for future mobility initiatives to make the City of Richmond Hill more accessible for all to enjoy.
Through this By-Law Reserve, RH Mobility has invested funds to help support initiatives such as an accessible park and playground, accessible fitness equipment for community fitness centers, a subsidy of fitness memberships for persons with a disability, adaptable devices programs for consumers and businesses, as well as other mobility initiatives within the community.

By-Law Reserve
RH Mobility has received over $650,000 from this By-Law Reserve since 2006:
These funds have been put back into Richmond Hill to make it a more accessible place for all residents to enjoy! Learn more about this By-Law in our video:
The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill By-law No. 258-04
A by-law to establish a Disabled Parking Reserve
Section 163 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, authorizes Council to establish reserve for any purpose for which the municipality has authority to expend funds;
And Whereas
The Council of the Corporation of The City of Richmond Hill desires to segregate a portion of the proceeds of fines collected from disabled parking offenses for the purpose of funding future mobility initiatives in the City;
And Whereas
Council at its meeting of December 13, 2004 adopted the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole at its meeting of December 6, 2004 in SRFIN.04.098 to establish a Reserve for Disabled Parking Revenue;
Now Therefore The Council Of The Corporation Of The City Of Richmond Hill Enacts As Follows:
A reserve to be known as the Disabled Parking Reserve is hereby established.
The Disabled Parking Reserve shall be funded from the allocation of a portion of the proceeds of fines collected from disabled parking offenses.
The Disabled Parking Reserve shall be used for the following purposes;
To fund mobility initiatives in the City as approved by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill hereinafter called “The Corporation”;
Such other purposes as may be approved by the Council of The Corporation.
This By-Law is deemed to come into force on the 13th day of December 2004.